Official State of Rhode Island website

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State of Rhode Island, Department of Corrections ,

Financial Resources

Financial Resources assures the availability of both monetary and physical resources to fulfill RIDOC's mission, goals and objectives.

The Budget Office develops both the annual operating budget and the multi-year capital budget; monitors and analyzes the usage of these funds throughout the year; and serves in an advisory capacity to unit managers and the RIDOC's executive staff.

The Business Operations unit procures all goods and services needed by the Department; initiates requisitions, tracks procurement through the bureaucratic process and processes payments; and maintains oversight of the operations of the satellite business offices.

The Physical Resources unit handles logistical and material management functions for the Department. It manages the;

  • Central Distribution Center (CDC), which provides for centralized ordering, warehousing and distribution of finished goods,
  • Inmate Commissary, from which inmates buy toiletries, snack goods, postage and some discretionary clothing articles, and
  • Central Mail and Courier Services.

The Inmate Accounts Unit maintains a money account for each inmate, processing deposits for inmate payroll and outside support, and expenditures for court ordered payments, commissary purchases, etc.


Contact Information

Jack Collins, Acting Chief Financial Officer
40 Howard Ave.
Cranston, RI 02920
Phone: (401) 462-929
Fax: (401) 462-3953

Vendor Information

Please visit: RIDOP's Vendor Resources for more information.

Annual Expenditures