Official State of Rhode Island website

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State of Rhode Island, Department of Corrections ,

Attorney Visits & Phone Calls

Directions for deposing an individual housed at the RIDOC:

  1. File a motion for leave from the court pursuant to Rule 30(a)(2) seeking permission to depose a person housed at the ACI.

  2. Once you obtain the order granting the deposition or have the written stipulation, forward it to the Office of Legal Counsel. You may fax it to 401-462-2583 or email it to the Legal Assistant at Please call the Legal Assistant at 401-462-5168 to follow up. She/He will give you the phone number for the Deputy Warden in the facility in which the person to be deposed is housed and will forward the order to the Deputy Warden.

  3. It is your responsibility to contact the Deputy Warden to set up the date and time of the deposition. You will need to inform the Deputy Warden of the number of people attending the deposition and provide the full names and dates of birth of any non-attorneys who will be attending the deposition (e.g. stenographer) so that a background check can be completed before the date of the deposition. Attorneys will need to bring their Bar cards the day of the deposition.

  4. Please be advised that while we make every effort to accommodate depositions, there are certain periods in the day when it is very difficult to schedule a deposition (e.g. meal times, recreation, visiting hours).

  5. Any questions or concerns can be addressed by the Deputy Warden of the facility.

For more information please review the following policies and instructions on how to depose an inmate individual held at the RIDOC.

If you are an attorney of record for an inmate at one of the Adult Correctional Facilities (ACI) and wish to have your cell phone number added to your client's phone list as privileged, please fill out the Attorney Cell Phone Number Request Application below.