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State of Rhode Island, Department of Corrections ,

Probation & Parole

Adult Probation and Parole is a community-based component in the Rehabilitative Services Division of the Rhode Island Department of Corrections.  This agency is responsible for supervising the adult residents in the community who have been placed on probation by the courts or granted parole by the parole board.

Mission and Vision

  • To increase public safety by promoting positive change in a participant's  behavior, successfully reintegrating offenders into society and assisting victims of crime while upholding our core values and ethics.
  • To reduce crime, recidivism and victimization by motivating a participants to become productive and law abiding members of society.


Parole is a procedure by which a board administratively releases incarcerated individuals from prison, usually under stringent conditions. (Terms of parole release are set by the Parole Board, which is independent of the Department of Corrections.)


Probation is a prison sentence (ordered by the courts) that is suspended on the condition that the participant follows certain prescribed rules and commits no further crimes.  An individual may be sentenced to probation either in lieu of incarceration or after incarceration.

Specialized Supervision

Specialized Supervision is for individuals requiring more focused supervision due to the nature of their crime or the risk they pose to the community.  These individuals are assigned to specific caseloads.

Interagency Collaboration

The Probation and Parole Unit works closely with various community partners on committees, forums, interventions and trainings to better serve the communities in which they work.

Early Termination

The Rhode Island Superior Court Rules allow individuals serving probation in the community to seek approval from the Superior Court to end their probation early if several criteria are met. To see if you qualify, please click here.

Office Locations & Phone Numbers

P&P is regionalized in multiple locations statewide allowing for greater community identity and involvement as well as better access for those under supervision. The Officers assigned to the areas know the community and its resources and are able to provide more complete services to all those we serve.

Contact Information

Shelley Cortese, Associate Director of Community Corrections
18 Wilma Schesler Road
Dix Building
Cranston, RI 02920
Phone: (401) 462-1619
Fax: (401) 462-5139