Official State of Rhode Island website

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State of Rhode Island, Department of Corrections ,

Educational Services

Education Unit programming occurs in every facility within the Adult Correctional Institutions five days a week on a full-time, year-round basis and on evenings and weekends. Students are instructed by highly qualified teachers and are offered support by tutors and support-professionals. Each facility has designated classroom areas and libraries, which are available to all inmates as scheduling permits, as well as computer labs where students have the ability to enhance their computer skills as they work toward program completion.

Students enrolled in education have a range of skills and abilities. Educational Services aims to pick up where the student left off. The typical offender to be served in our Adult Basic Education (ABE) classes is typically of lower literacy skills and has significant gaps in education. Our General Education Diploma (GED) classes focus on the student who is close to completing school but may have learning gaps or other educational challenges. In addition to ABE/GED classes, programs for English Language Learners, Special Education / Title One, Inmate Literacy Program, GED testing, post-secondary programs, Pre-employment/Job Readiness, Mentoring, and Vocational Training exists. In addition, all recreational reading libraries and law libraries are managed by the Educational Services.

Contact Information

Carolyn Romano, Interdepartmental Project Manager / Education Unit
18 Wilma Schesler Lane
Dix Building
Cranston, RI 02920
Phone: (401) 462-4012
Fax: (401) 462-5314