Postsecondary Education
The Rhode Island Department of Corrections provides a variety of post-secondary education and vocational training opportunities for our population. Currently the DOC collaborates with three institutions of higher learning to offer valuable evidence-based programming.
Recent data indicates significant reduction in the recidivism rate for inmates who participate in educational programming and even lower recidivism rates for inmates who earn post-secondary degrees. Opportunities include college academic credit bearing coursework that can lead to higher education degrees including an associates and bachelor's level degrees. All facilities at the DOC provide college courses. Credit-bearing courses may include introductory academic subjects such as English Composition, Psychology, History, and Business Administration.
Certificate based coursework may include Fast Track to CNC Manufacturing, Building Construction, Computer Literacy, Culinary Arts, Food Safety Manager, OSHA Workplace Safety, and Legal Research Assistant.
Contact Information
Sheila DiRaimo, Principal / Special Education Director
18 Wilma Schesler Lane
Dix Building
Cranston, RI 02920
Phone: (401) 462-1415
Fax: (401) 462-5314