Grant-Funded Educational Programs
Supplemental Education & Programming
Through the management of the Consolidated Resource Plan, a combination of grants provided by the Rhode Island Department of Education and the Adult Basic Education Grant, the evening programs provide academic opportunities for inmates which are supplemental to and extend beyond the core education services provided by RIDOC's Education Unit. The CRP has also made possible the introduction of technology into the classrooms. The use of technology has been proven to be an effective tool in the classroom and in preparing students for reentry into our tech-driven society.
Title I - Education of Disadvantaged Youth
The Title I program uses Federal funds to provide supplemental instructional services to students who are under the age of 21. This instruction is primarily in reading, mathematics, and language arts and targets the most academically disadvantaged students. The program offers self-paced, individualized instruction in small group settings to these younger inmates to renew their interest in the possibilities and opportunities education provides.
Title II (A) - Improving Teacher Quality
Title II, Part A provides funds intended to increase academic achievement by improving teacher and principal quality. This supports teachers by providing opportunities for continuing education and professional development so that they may transfer that skill and expertise to their students.
Adult Education and Family Literacy (WIOA Title II)
The DOC utilizes this federal funding source to provide adult education and literacy activities, high school equivalency preparation (GLE 9-12) and career pathways to support students in their next steps including their transition to re-entry. Services provided include integrated education and training, peer tutoring and transition to re-entry initiatives, and other post-release services with the goal of reducing recidivism. The DOC works collaboratively with several community based agencies to implement a demand-driven sector-based strategy to aggregate economic opportunities by employers and their intermediaries with the goal to offer a career pathway strategy to provide employment, education, training and support services for individuals, particularly those with barriers to employment, so they can improve their own individual capacity to effectively compete in the labor market to achieve economic security for themselves and their families.
Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education
The purpose of the Carl D. Perkins grant is to assist school districts and public two-year colleges in improving secondary and post-secondary level career and technical education programs. As set forth in Perkins, the main priority is to close the achievement gap for special populations on the Perkins core indicators of performance. The RIDOC uses funding from the Perkins grant to provide technical assistance and training opportunities to prepare students for re-entry into the community. Examples of this include: vocational training in high demand careers, workforce preparedness, and educational programming.