Official State of Rhode Island website

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State of Rhode Island, Department of Corrections ,

Maximum Security

Maximum Security

Lynne Corry, Warden

The Maximum Security Facility (MAX) is the state’s oldest operational prison. The facility was opened in 1878 and is modeled on the Auburn style construction, which consolidates all inmate cells into one main building. MAX once served as the prison for both awaiting trial and sentenced inmates. As the sentenced population grew and the needs of the prison system changed, other facilities were added.

The facility has an inmate bed capacity of 466 with a population comprised of inmates serving long sentences for a variety of offenses, along with inmates serving shorter sentences who have been transferred to MAX from other facilities for serious discipline and/or behavioral problems. Inmates are prepared for classification to lesser securities through participation in rehabilitative programs.

Maximum Security employs approximately 190 inmates who perform a variety of functions to help maintain the institution. Inmates hold jobs in areas such as the kitchen, laundry, barber shop, library and as porters within the housing modules and recreation areas, as well as in the industries area, which consists of a print shop and carpenter shop.

Surrounded by a wall with five observation towers and a double chain-link security fence (equipped with an electronic intrusion detection system to prevent and detect escape attempts) the facility is divided into six housing areas, one disciplinary confinement unit, kitchen/dining area, recreation yard, education/gym building, and an industries area.

  • Opened: 1878
  • Average Facility Population: 297 (FY24)
  • Operational Capacity: 422 (FY24)
  • Annual Cost per Offender: $122,884

For information regarding video visitation, please click here. For updated video visitation schedules for each facility please visit RIDOC's Facebook page.

Facility Contact Information

Physical Address:

1375 Pontiac Avenue

Cranston, RI 02920


Inmate Mail Address:

P.O. Box 8273

Cranston, RI 02920