
The mission of the Rhode Island Department of Corrections (RIDOC) is to contribute to public safety by maintaining a balanced correctional system of institutional and community programs that provide a range of custodial options, supervision and rehabilitative services in order to facilitate successful offender reentry into the community upon release.

Guiding Operational Philosophy

  • We shall maintain safe, secure, orderly, constitutional, and humane correctional environments.
  • We shall strive to provide community-based management, supervision, and intervention services for criminal offenders on probation, parole or home confinement.
  • We shall demonstrate the highest ethical and professional standards in all our operations.
  • We are accountable to the public for our operations. Public safety is enhanced through and shall be maintained by cooperation, open communication and partnerships with law enforcement, governmental entities, human services agencies, community leaders and members and faith-based organizations.
  • We seek to foster a spirit of teamwork, unity, and dedication. We actively strive to maintain a diverse and culturally aware workforce. We shall provide staff with opportunities for personal and professional growth through staff development, recognition of staff achievements, and encouragement.
  • Outcomes need to be measured and the results should direct data-driven decision making and evidence–based policy and planning.

Values and Beliefs

All Departmental values and beliefs are shaped by the primary mission of the Department of Corrections as set forth in the Mission Statement. Efforts to rehabilitate and reintegrate criminal offenders as law-abiding and productive members of society are essential to the reduction of crime. These principles form the foundation for policy, allocation of resources, establishment of priorities, case management decisions, organizational structure, and future development.

The Department of Corrections is committed to managing offenders in a manner consistent with public safety.

  • Levels of confinement, control and supervision must be risk based and determined by considering the law, the crime, the offender, the victim, the community, data, evidence based assessments and available resources.
  • Offenders must be held accountable and responsible for their offenses, including the effects on victims.
  • Offenders are responsible for their responses to intervention.

The highest ethical and professional standards are fundamental to the success of the Department.

  • Department policy and program decisions must be guided by considerations of public safety, institutional security, legality, humaneness, effectiveness, and quality.
  • Each member of the Department is obligated to demonstrate the highest standards of conduct and ethics.
  • All individuals – staff, community members and offenders - shall be treated with respect and dignity.

The Department of Corrections is responsible and accountable to members of the community.

  • The rights of victims and potential victims of crime must be given priority consideration in Departmental programs and decisions.
  • The public has the right to be aware of the range of Departmental services, programs, functions, and operations.
  • The community should be involved with the Department in problem solving; local agencies, volunteers and community-based organizations should play a role in program development and service delivery.

The Department of Corrections is committed to making available, to the greatest extent possible, programs and services that offer offenders the opportunity to improve their education, health, interpersonal and vocational skills, and acceptance of responsibility for their past criminal behavior.

  • The potential of offenders to become law-abiding and contributing members of society should be enhanced through intervention.
  • Opportunities for rehabilitation and community integration should be provided to an extent that is both feasible and responsible given resources and individual capabilities.