Official State of Rhode Island website

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State of Rhode Island, Department of Corrections ,

WorkRI - For Employees


WorkRI - Workforce Re-entry Initiative

Job Posting Information

The Rhode Island Department of Corrections (RIDOC) would like to thank you for your considered participation in our Workforce Re-entry Initiative (WorkRI).

To have a job posted to WorkRI, please fill out the following form, completing as much of the information as possible. This information will help connect you and your company with the best possible person for your company’s open position.

All job postings will be reviewed upon posting. If there is a question about a posted job, RIDOC will contact you to clarify any issues and/or concerns; however, RIDOC reserves the right to remove postings from the WorkRI website without prior notice.

(If you are looking to post more than one position, a form will need to be filled out for each position.)

Contact Information

Company Address

Employer Contact Information

Contact Person

How to Apply

This is how job seekers will apply for this job. Please add a link to either access a job application or an email to which they can send their resume. RIDOC cannot be the contact for any jobs; therefore, one of these fields must be filled out.

Job Details

Please complete the following section with as much detail as possible.

Enter Dollars and Cents
Position Schedule
Seasonal Work
Scheduled Workdays (check all that apply)

Job Requirements

Is experience required for this job?
Are there minimum education requirements for this job?
Are there special requirements necessary to do this job?
Is there a type of criminal record that you will not consider hiring?
Enter the characters shown in the image.
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